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Team Member Testimonials

In the 2016 IESO, Team USA brought home three silver and one bronze medals in the individual medal events. Furthermore, the team also won two gold and one bronze awards in the International Team events.  These medals and awards will help to document the student's excellence to Universities and help open doors for their futures.

"We work with each student in our program to help them use their IESO experience to best further their education, and to reach their university goals."   Tom Tailer


"As an attendee of the 2011 IESO in Yogyakarta, Indonesia I had a once in a life time opportunity to join a team of the brightest High Schoolers in the Earth Science field on an amazing trip. Through IESO I was able to network with students from all over the globe and tackle global challenges with students from 18 different countries. The experiences from this program encouraged me to grow as an individual and explore new methods of collaboration with an international team. Through many new experiences I was able to be a stronger student and professional."


"As a student from a small rural community, exposure to the international community opened my eyes to all of the challenges the world faces and the many lenses available to tackle them. Through this competition, mixed teams were formed to solve a problem facing the host region. This exercise provided a rewarding opportunity to work closely with students across a variety of backgrounds and gain new perspectives on the different understandings of the problems and available solutions. Four years later, I leverage these skills in the professional setting in working with teams and clients around the world."


Chapin B.   Software Engineer 


“IESO has been a life-changing experience for Rylee. Preparing for this competition provided an opportunity for my daughter to delve intensely into an area of study she enjoys.  Representing the United States overseas, whether taking the exams or unwinding at the beach with other competitors, boosted her self-confidence.  Her favorite part was finding ways to communicate and exchange ideas with youth from around the globe."


Team member’s mother  



"During the summer between my Junior and Senior years of high school, I participated in the exam process for the International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO). I was a shy student, greatly interested in earth and climate science, with intentions of going to college for engineering. I wanted to challenge myself; the IESO required team participation with international students and I was excited to discuss earth science with students from across the globe, learning from their unique perspectives. I was accepted into the second IESO in 2008, when I traveled to the Philippines with the United States team. The competition required a practical exam and international team presentations. Throughout my IESO experience, I participated in great scientific and cultural conversations. I learned so much about the effects of climate change in various countries, and how each country was approaching energy usage and focusing on solutions through scientific advancement. Working with my fellow students on the team presentations was an incredible experience; the teams were multicultural, comprising of one student from each representing country. One of the presentations was based on our findings from surveying Mt. Mayon, one of the many active volcanos in the Philippines, and interviewing its inhabitants. The cultural and scientific experience of understanding the lives of the people living on the volcano was one that has impacted me profoundly. It drew our multi-cultural teams closer together, making our projects more effective and strengthening our understanding of each other."


"After the IESO, I went on to complete my Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Worcester, MA. I chose this school based on its project-based curriculum and international study opportunities, which I completed successfully using many of the skills I learned during the IESO. During college, I interned with General Electric (GE) and went on to be a part of the Edison Engineering Development program within GE Power & Water. After completing the program, I now work in their Gas Turbine Performance Testing group, where I travel to customer sites to test gas turbine equipment for power output, emissions, and other important operating parameters. Working with GE has been an incredible marriage of my passion for the energy sector, my love of engineering, and my passion for team-based collaboration. The IESO greatly prepared me for success in college at WPI and my career at GE, where I have extensively applied the skills and perspective I gained through IESO."  


K.atie M.     Turbine Engineer

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